Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Alfred Hitchcock Presents ..

Its frustrating when you think of something ineteresting and dont have the time or energy or enthu to put it on the web. Well, having said that, I am not sure what to write in this post :) ..I have something on my mind which may sound "interesting" to me, but not to everyone or anyone!

O well, I read an interesting story in the book "Hitchcock" last night, which kind of
relates to my dilemma here.

So... there was this writer hitchcock knew of. He thought of great story ideas in the middle of
the night. But he couldnt remember anything when he woke up (but he could still tell that he
had great idea last night! ok read on..) So he decides to keep a pen and paper by his bedside and write down whatever he thought of in the middle of the night. The trick worked...and he scribbled something, half asleep, one night. So the great movie idea was on paper atlast!

The next morning, as he woke up, it struck him that he had a great idea AGAIN! last night
and started cursing himself for not remembering about his ticket to fame. But his frown
turned into a smile the moment he remembered of the pen and paper.So he walked to his table by the bed with excitement, to check out what the next big thing in hollywood would be...After reading the idea, his smile couldnt mask his embarrasment. The paper read:

" Boy meets Girl !"

Moral of the story: Things may not be as fascinating in broad daylight as they are in the middle of the night.

Come on..its just a blog...dont have to think that much before you type...its not like you are competiting for the booker prize or wooing any movie producer.


Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Standing for what you believe in, Regardless of the odds against you, And the pressure that tears at your resistance, ...... means Courage.
Keeping a smile on your face, When inside you feel like dying, For the sake of supporting others, ...... means Strength.
Stopping at nothing, And doing what's in your heart, You know is right, .... means Determination.
Doing more than is expected, To make another's life a little more bearable, Without uttering a single complaint, ..... means Compassion.
Holding your head high, And being the best you know you can be, When life seems to fall apart at your feet, Facing each difficulty with the confidence, That time will bring you better tomorrows, And never giving up ...... means Confidence.
To the question of your life, You are the only Answer, To the problems of your life, You are the only Solution.
- Anonymous